Wednesday, April 1, 2009

T-plus 21 hours. Ow ow ow.

or "Can't sleep, clown'll eat me, again."

Having trouble sleeping but I think it's because I'm a really bad judge of my own pain, at least until now. In the last hour I've jumped up to a 7 again, maybe even at an 8 now, in terms of pain. I never seem to have the same experience as everyone else. The vag hurts the most by far. I'd say the vag is 7-8, breasts are at 4 or so. Why this happening? I haven't gotten the official answer but I'd bet it's because I'm skinny, so stretching the skin by two inches is a LOT for me. Part of the vaginoplasty process is everything gets moved down by two inches...and I know for a fact there wasn't much to work with on me. Haha.
So as I was typing this up they've started me on solids again. Saltines or Graham Crackers, I went with graham. :D I love sugar. If I do well with this I'll start taking the oral pain meds instead of the IV.
Oh wait. They left both. Om nom nom...

On the side, my throat's still sore...

I'm having some odd little dreamlets now. Even though I've buttoned the pain away, I had one quicky where someone came to my room and tried to sell me black market painkillers. hahaha...

5:15 update: I'm getting really sleepy thanks to the painkillers. Finally. :) They just took me off the IV and I'm on oral now. I also got to have a protein bar that was in my suitcase. Mmm...chocolate...

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