Wednesday, April 29, 2009

La la la la labia baby, you got something for me

That one will surely get me excommunicated from the community.

I scheduled my labiaplasty for the Christmas break. Optimal timing because I get much of it off from work anyway. I'm glad I was able to acquire such a time, I've heard it fills up fast.

In dilation news, I've started working in the 3 without the 2. It's extremely tough. It took me 6-8 minutes to get it past the Pc muscle. I have to relax more than I'm likely capable of doing. (have I mentioned that I'm REALLY HIGH STRUNG? hehe) It took so long I had to relube because the lube was drying on the dilator. So much for saving lube this way.

I'm going to try to work the 4 in on either Saturday or (more likely) Sunday. Have plans on Saturday plus the extra day can't hurt. In fact it'll hurt just that much less. Hehe...

Oh, and I'm getting a #5 from Dr. Meltzer's office. Setting me back $95 due to S/H, but at least I'll have the set completed. I say this as I contemplate how even the #4 is going to fit into that itty bitty little hole that closes up when it's not used.

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