Sunday, April 19, 2009

No pain, no gain. Also, the...uh...Q-bomb?

So FINALLY now that I'm back here in [censored], I'm moving up the dilations. Yesterday and this morning I did the 1-2T-2 thing (so much lube...) then for my second session today I did 2T-2, skipping 1. It's a bit rough, mildly painful, but I'm on my way. I think I'm physically capable of #5, Dr. Meltzer didn't indicate I had a two finger pelvis, so if I can get there in a month to two months, why not?

But moving up in size feels kind of like that first session where I had an 11 hour gap. My body wanted to reject the dilator but I just had to bear it until it didn't feel so bad anymore.

Oh, and another note...the kind of note I feel like if I mention, people will ship me back to Dr. Meltzer and ask him to change me back, but I have to mention it in a so-called "uncensored" blog, especially in light of a recent South Park episode. Queefing. Yep, apparently we do it. They weren't discharges, they were pockets of air escaping the new equipment with that distinctive sound. I just found it strangely amusing for some reason. It happened a couple times -- first after douching this morning, then again before my second dilation. I'm guessing the physiological reason is I pushed in some air caught in the "syringe" when douching. It's easy to do because I only make 60ml of the soap solution but the "syringe" can really hold about 70ml.
I'm mildly tempted to learn to control it, would make an interesting party trick. Haha.

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