Sunday, April 5, 2009

Boring day, Star Trek! and power...

In our wonderful world of instant everything, a geek like me resorts to the following on the boringest day of recovery, day 5:
Just when you thought I haven't dropped enough hints as to who I am in real life.

There's literally nothing that happens today. I'm still in pain and stuff, in terms of chronic pain it's more like a 5 or 6 today instead of a 8 or 9 like it was yesterday. So I'm just taking it easy and passing the time.
Don't expect much blogging from me.

It's funny to witness the 1960's views on women in Star Trek. The show was so progressive, it was the only haven in entertainment where blacks were treated equally, in fact all races were treated equally. It was one big melting pot, yet women somehow got left behind. The last episode I watched, a female Romulan captain ended up being a liability, costing the Romulans the secrets of their cloaking device. I'm now watching an episode where a woman ("Dr. Lester") switches bodies with Kirk. On one hand it's turnabout for Kirk's infamous sleeping around, on the other hand it talks down to women in many ways.

Gender and power has been on my mind for awhile now. I never experienced much of a shift in power because I never lived as an ADULT male. This can be a common issue with older transwomen because the dynamics of power aren't 100% uneven. They are still skewed in favor of males, but the methods males and females use to obtain power are different, and those who transition as adults often flop because they haven't picked up on the different dynamics, and come across as weird, or end up becoming too submissive to avoid being read.

I'm not sure if there's any point to this entry. No one in my life except the few who know of my past life will see me any different as a result of this operation. I'm not really the power-obsessed type, I prefer to have just enough to manage and protect my own life and lifestyle. I just find it odd that with women in general, but especially transwomen, there seems to be such a stark contrast in terms of power, and there seems to be a bit of a bias against holding power, and the majority of problems women have today result directly from ceding too much...
Fin. (lol)

Ok, un-fin. Yeah, today is one of my headache days. I didn't think I'd get two, but I'm using the medicine that works again. So I'm a little on the loopy side right now. Power is something that's often on my mind because early in my adult life I had zero power. I did suffer abuse because of it, and it guides many of my decisions today. My mind is also floating around where my life will go next. What will my relationships be like? How can I have a lasting, mutual relationship without ceding a dangerous amount of power? I already plan to work to, probably, the day I die, but I just wonder how I can let someone get close and not put myself in danger again?
I know this entry still seems silly and pointless, but so is today so :P

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