Wednesday, April 1, 2009

T-plus 1d 14h. Ow...

Remember those sensations I was gushing over a few hours ago? Well now they've turned to pain that's keeping me up. For awhile it was just oversensitive and pain meds weren't doing shit. Now the oversensitivity is gone and I'm getting occasional shooting pains. And these leg compressors are now my mortal enemy. They must die.

With these going off every 30 second and the shooting pains...yeah, I'm not sleeping tonight.

Oh, and according to the staff this is normal. So we now have the official "things no one (except me) ever tells you about" #1! Enjoy!

p.s. With the breasts all out sideways the way they were, there's another reality check there. Those take awhile to look right too...

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