Tuesday, March 31, 2009

T-plus 7h 30m. It's a Girl!!!

I woke up at about 2pm-ish and wow am I groggy. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't even make it to the surgical room. My blackout went from the trip there to some holding location immediately after surgery. At this location I had a bit of pain in both surgical areas, 7ish on their scale of 0 to 10. I don't recall getting wheeled up to my bed but here I am and the pain is down to a 2 or so. So the big qyestion, as I got the aug and the vag at the same time. Which one hurst the more? Right now it's the vag. It's tight and I'm not used to peeding through a catheter. Still hungry but I'm on strictbedrest so I'm still on their schedule more or less.
As far as I can tell, I've dodged the skin graft bullet. The original marteial to work wih was borderine based on my chats with Tomy Mtltzer.
My bladder sensation is amazing similar to how it was pre-op. I can clearly tell that the urethra is shorter now but the bladder-related feelings are still there and familiar. I'm starting to feel that my worries associated with bladder control wll be unfounded.
I'm amazed I can even write this at 3pm after 7:30am major surgery. It's nice to know that I'm as active as I hoped to be. Here's to a speedy recovery! :D :D :D :D

I am so, so very happy. I might be groggy on painkillers with limited mobility and the sandman just waiting to strike at any time, but I've ever beenn happier. I've arrived!!!!!!!!!

edit: I forgot to mention that i'm mini-hallucinations. How funny is that. Basically something in my peripheral vision is caught and for whatever reason my brain is trying to fillit up with something. Once I look directly at it, it looks like it's supposed to. That's funny. I never had it in this frequency before so I'm guessing it's a side-effect of theanesthesa
I'm also have mild issues distinguishing reality and my mini-dreams bt
tired need sleep

p.s. how i feel: Area around neovagina feels really tight. Same goes for beast area. I can drink now but it'll take awhile to get over the extremely dry mouth. Arm mobility is more than I expect at this stage -- thatmakes me happy. Areas worked on are NOT completely numb, in fact I have a few mini-sensations, though nothing even close to what the finished product hopefully sohuld be. Throat is sore, but that was an expected side effect of the anesthesia.

Oh, I REALLY need food. Starving over here. :P

Oh, I also seem to be having little disorienting dreamlets. Just 3 minutes ago I thought I had to walk to he hospital but quickly realized I'm already here. Haha.


  1. Hey Chloe,

    Glad things have gone well today. It is amazing how one can have surgery and then do fairly well right afterward. I've noticed, though, that there can be a short period right after surgery where your body is still sorta in shock, and as your endorphins begin to reduce, you'll start to feel more sore and tired.

    I think Dr. Meltzer's typical SRS lasts around 3.5 hours, and a BA can usually be done in less than 2 hours, so, overall...not too bad.

    Get some rest, though, and eat up. The food is pretty good there, and if you ask nicely, you can often times get a little extra of the desserts.

    Did you end up in the Princess Suite?

  2. I don't know what the proncess suite is.
