Monday, March 30, 2009

T-minus 24 hours. (!) No Sugar Added.

One thing I forgot before rereading the bowel prep instructions this morning was that sugar is off limits. D'oh! I didn't have any, I looked at the instructions immediately before doing anything this morning, but I can't have anything at the hotel because of it. Even the beverages are from concentrate, which means sugar added. I need to find a store nearby to get unsweetened apple juice. That'll be my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Also, I'll have to get myself some of the sugar free Halls Vitamin C. The Airborne is unsweetened, so that seems okay.

1 comment:

  1. You can have jello which is what I did. Oh, any contains sugar, Apple sweetened or un-sweetened contains the highest amount of sugar on the commonly available fruit juices. Better to just drink plain water and fast for the day. Oh, that last supper was rather lacking in many ways. You're going to need to make up for that later when you're post-op.
