Monday, March 30, 2009

T-minus 9 hours. TMI!

[[[Note: This entry is very TMI, so I've made the color and bgcolor white. You will have to highlight the text to read it. I did my best to not be crude but I want this to be informative to those who need to know.]]]

7:30: Releases now have significant liquid content.
8:58: Releases are starting to be a little on the burny side. I hope stomach acid isn't exiting along with everything else...probably not, it's probably just irritated.
9:07: Finished inserting the suppository, Bisacodyl 10mg. Not sure what to expect yet. The instructions say "retain suppository for at least 15 minutes, if possible" but initially it seems to retain itself, but I'm clinching just to be safe.
9:14: Mild rumblings but nothing unlike what I've been experiencing in the last couple hours. Feels slightly that I'm on fire though. Heh.
9:27: Not so mild rumblings...
9:30: No more water! Woohoo! Though it really wasn't as bad as I was prepping for. Though my caloric intake today was under 1000 just because it's hard for me to find appropriate calorie containing liquids to imbibe. Just took the three Bicacodyl 5mg oral tablets and my last 8oz of water. No more food and drink until after surgery.
9:43: So it's really no different than 9:27. I'm soon just going to let it happen. I was expecting more urgency than this. I guess I'm just really sensitive to the magnesium citrate, or my bowels are just healthy.
9:59: Releases are now a LOT on the burny side. After the last one it feels like there's something big trying to go through, but I think I'm just misinterpreting the end. This whole thing is a lot like diarhhea.
10:08: I think I might be nearly done. I'm now able to release liquids appropriately without solids again. (barely) I'll take a shower now and rewash the surgical area if necessary.
10:40: The verdict is in. It's more or less done. I expect the orally taken Bisacodyl exists for a reason. The oral Bisacodyl takes hours to take effect, while the suppository takes <1 hour. That aside, everyone overdramatized it. Maybe it's because I'm young, thin, I exercise, and have a decent metabolism and normally above average frequency of bowel cycles.
11:10: Spoke too soon. It's back to its old ways, but less frequent. It's funny, I was expecting it to be so dramatized for completely different reasons. What sucks about bowel prep is the burning irritated feeling later on.
12:40: Still happening. Also a little worried about getting too deep into sleep...
4:09: Still happening, after sleeping for about three hours. In fact is it supposed to keep going this far in? I need to ask Dr. M.

[[[End icky grossout blog.]]]

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