Saturday, March 28, 2009

T-minus 2d 16h. Holy crap.

This'll be a cliche line in my blog, but I can't believe I'm actually here. Not much to say right now. I'm finishing up my packing except for a few toiletries which I'll pack tomorrow before I fly out. Also, taking a friend's advice, I'm also making sure everything will be in arms reach, as I'll have the effects of top and bottom surgeries AND the lingering after-effects of anesthesia. That's apparently another thing that isn't well publicized: Anesthesia has lingering after-effects that last about 4 weeks. I'm sure most people misinterpret as a direct result of the physiological surgical changes. I learned this from someone who had general anesthesia for something else as well.

1 comment:

  1. The post general anesthesia effects depend on a whole bunch of factors involved. There are numerous ways to induce, deliver and maintain GA depending on the surgical procedure, patient condition, surgical setting and etc. It's quite complex, but to generalize that post GA effects last 4 weeks is simply not true. This is from me who has had the identical procedures you are about to under go and two other surgeries at differnt facilities that utilized GA. Since I have my medical charts an understand them well enough, each time I was put under GA, different meds and procedures were used. None caused any significant post op effects. There were no post GA effects that lasted more than one entire day. The post surgery recovery was most challenging in every case. Again, GA should not be something to get overly worried about.
