Monday, March 30, 2009

T-minus 14 hours. Better move this laptop to the bathroom...

And so begins the bowel treatment. At 5:30pm I drank an entire 10oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate. It sounds worse than it really is. It's a flavored laxative liquid beverage, and while it tastes fine, it's unbelievably sour. A couple gulps and my lips pucker up. At 6:00pm, 7:00pm, 8:00pm, and 9:00pm I'll be having 8oz of water. 9:00pm is also when I have to insert the suppository. Eww. I said this blog would be uncensored but I'll try to minimize the details of that.


  1. Yes, the stuff is sour, just wait until the rest of this process happens. If you're doing the sup at 9:00 PM, be ready to stay up most of the night developing a closer relationship with Mr. John. Had I known you're going to start this nee late afternoon, I would have advised against this regardless of what Mr. M's office recommends. It's based on previous experience. I did not sleep well night before surgery anyway for a host of reasons.

  2. I don't really expect to sleep much anyway...
